Monday, 12 March 2012

What is Pole Dance, Pole Fitness, Aero Pole or Pole Art?

Pole dance is a form of performing art, a combination of dance and gymnastics. It involves dancing and performing acrobatic tricks with a vertical pole and is an increasingly popular form of fitness and dance, practised by many enthusiasts in gyms or dedicated dance studios. A wide range of amateur and professional competitions are held in ...many countries around the world.

Before the mid 2000s, pole dance mainly took place in strip clubs. Since then, promoters of pole dance fitness competitions have been trying to change peoples’ perception of pole dance and to promote it as a legitimate form of dance and acrobatics. Pole dance has furthermore been influenced by Chinese pole, a form of acrobatics that is performed in circus and stage performances in a non-erotic environment. Pole dance in competitions is increasingly performed in a non-erotic way and is combined with a range of dance styles or gymnastics

Pole dance requires significant strength, flexibility and endurance(...)Pole dance proper involves athletic moves such as climbs, spins, and body inversions using the limbs to grip. Upper body and core strength are required in order to attain proficiency, and rigorous training is necessary.

Pole dance is now regarded as a recognized form of exercise and can be used as both an aerobic and anaerobic workout. Recognized schools and qualifications are now common.

**Pole dance as exercise**
Pole dancing has gained popularity as a form of exercise, with increased awareness of the benefits to general strength and fitness. This form of exercise increases core and general body strength by using the body itself as resistance, while toning the body as a whole. A typical exercise regimen in class typically begins with strength training, dance-based moves, and squats, push-ups, and sit-ups, and gradually works its way up to the climbs and inversions which are the métier of the exercise.Pole dancing is also generally reported by its schools to be empowering for women and to build confidence.

Pole dancing as an exercise is very similar to Mallakhamb, an Indian men's sport with no erotic component, but there is no evidence of a link.

A growing number of men are incorporating pole dancing into their fitness programmes.In Australia, the UK and the US, dance studios are beginning to offer classes just for men. And in China, 2007's National Pole Dancing competition was won by a man. Dance instructor Zhang Peng, 23, beat a host of women dancers to the top prize.

Reference: Wikipedia

Pole in the Desert Album

Hello everyone, as promissed we posted some of our coolest pictures!! Please check the following link to access them!

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Up Dance Dubai goes Pole Street! ...oh right... Pole Desert!

We decided to take our pole to the desert! The day was beautiful and the company was the best!! Soon I will post all the pictures here. A big thanks to everyone who helped us to organize the event. Love to all my students and to Flávia Rodrigues, Master Coach co-founder of Up Dance Rio de Janeiro.